Digital Services

Lass dich durch die digitale Welt navigieren

Die digitale Landschaft ist hochdynamisch. Als Autorität im digitalen Marketing stellen wir nicht nur sicher, dass unsere Leistungen Schritt halten sondern sind Branchentrends immer einen Schritt voraus. Unsere flexiblen und innovativen Marketing-Lösungen sind darauf ausgerichtet, Erfolg zu schaffen. Mit uns an deiner Seite navigierst du durch die Komplexität der digitalen Welt, sprichst deine Zielgruppe effektiv an und erreichst deine Unternehmensziele.


Cookies zerbröseln,
aber nicht eure Audiences

Strengere Datenschutzbestimmungen und das Ende der Cookies von Drittanbietern führen dazu, dass alternative Formen der Zielgruppenansprache gefunden und entsprechend eingesetzt werden müssen. Mit dem Plan von Google Cookies von Drittanbietern in der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 2024 abzuschaffen, steht ein bedeutender Wandel vor der Tür.

Basierend auf teilweise exklusiven Daten und Partnerschaften ermöglichen wir weiterhin eine präzise Ansprache von Zielgruppen – auch ohne Cookies.


Zeitpunkt der vollständigen Abschaffung von Drittanbieter-Cookies


Device usage is split —
your strategy should not be

Traditional TV advertising has been king for many years, but its reach has been declining with the rise of numerous entertainment platforms. New digital opportunities can help close this gap. However, the ecosystem is highly fragmented and lack of common solutions on how to integrate TV and digital efficiently presents a central challenge.

With our unique partnerships we offer you efficient cross-channel campaigns. We use exclusive factual TV data from ProSiebenSat.1 as well as GFK data to reach or exclude TV audiences across devices.



of Germans aged 18 to 34 prefer linear television


Let your brand become
a hyperlocal hero

Investing in localized digital campaigns allows to efficiently reach targeted audiences, personalize messaging, gain a competitive edge, and foster customer loyalty through tailored and data-driven marketing strategies.

Still the challenge remains the same: How to make sure the right message reaches the right audience and how to set up, run and optimize campaigns in most time efficient way? We offer you a range of concepts and technologies to efficiently run hyperlocal campaigns with optimal impact.


Forecasted number of retail sales in brick-and-mortar shops for 2025, despite significant uprise of e-commerce


CAGR growth in digital Drive-To-Store advertising spend
in Europe from 2021 to 2025


Leverage the full potential
of digital commerce

Commerce activities often focus on the final purchase decision of a customer. But a sustainable commerce strategy requires considering and optimizing every relevant touchpoint along the whole customer journey. The right selection of inventory, creative strategy and targeting is needed to identify and activate most convertible users.

From (exclusive) retail data to cross-media performance campaigns: We offer you a range of services to approach your individual commerce goals and challenges.


of Gen Z users search for products via TikTok and YouTube – TikTok is like a digital shop window


Authentic campaigns
and effective results

More and more companies use creators (i.a. influencers) for their campaigns. But a fragmented market, many buzzwords, and a lack of data and transparency about effectiveness present challenges for advertisers in choosing the right measures and creators.

Our unique connection to the biggest content ecosystem for creator marketing in Germany ensures authentic campaigns and effective outcome.


of German followers have already bought something at least once based on the recommendation of an influencer

71 Mio.

people in Germany will be reached by influencers in 2026

Get in touch

What is your strategy?

Do you want to conquer the complexities of the digital marketing world with ease? Together, we effectively engage your target audience and achieve your business objectives. Our dedicated team of experts is here to provide you with customized strategies that will elevate your campaigns to the next level.

For individual consultations and marketing solutions tailored to your needs, give us a call or send us an email.