
Creating a future with laptop donations

Laptops for Kids in Hamburg - a fundraising campaign by FC ST.PAULI & HELDEN.DE

February 24, 2021 and FC St. Pauli have started a joint laptop collection campaign to support the students of the Stadtteilschule am Hafen. This venture intends to give more children access to digital lessons. Last year, this was impossible for many students because the necessary devices were often missing at home.

esome takes the initiative

In January, several of our colleagues became aware of this great initiative and thought about how esome could support it. After consulting with the IT team, this request came just in time because some fully functional laptops were sitting in the warehouse. They had already been written off and were no longer needed. A meaningful investment for the devices had been sought for some time.

Every laptop is of great help

Without further ado, we took the initiative, intensively discussed the situation internally with other colleagues, and dealt with the requirements for the laptops, which can be quickly found on the website:

Functional? Check!

Availability of power supplies? Got it.

Cameras and microphones? Are available.

Processor performance with 1 Ghz? We can provide that.

RAM and hard disk space? Of course.

Graphics card? Say no more.

Display size? 800×600. Works for us.

We determined and sorted the laptop stock to be donated and happily contacted the team with our good news: we provided 46 laptops for donation – more than initially assumed.

A handover date was quickly arranged. In the end, we see the action as a win-win situation. We are delighted to support children in their learning during these challenging times, and our laptops are given a second life. It remains a good feeling to have done something thoughtful and motivates us to check for functional devices in the depths of our drawers.